Ways to Support

Every little penny counts. Your giving enables the young West Africans getting closer to their dreams.

ROL-ACTS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Our EIN: 82-5304474

Find our non-profit profiles on Guidestar / Charity Navigator

Cash & Checks

Please make check payable to “ROL-ACTS”  and Mail to:
1177 Laurelwood Road. Santa Clara, CA 95054

ONLINE Donation

We accept major credit cards, ACH, and Paypal.

(For domestic & International)


Corporate Matching

Search “ROL-ACTS” or EIN: 82-5304474 to setup in your company’s matching program.

Electronic Equipments & Medical Resource Donation

If you know entities regularly updating devices, please reach out. Please click here to contact Amanda

Facebook Donation/Fundraiser

Offerings are tax-deductible. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

Any questions?

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