誠摯地邀請您參加「愛中同行 夢想起飛 – Fly With ACTS」十週年紀錄片放映會。這次特別的活動將於11月3日下午2:30Redwood City的Fox Theater盛大舉行,並預計於下午5:30結束。這場活動由非洲職業訓練學校ACTS與優視聯合製作,將呈現一部充滿感動與啟發的十週年紀錄片。影片記錄了ACTS在非洲的教育與培訓旅程,展現了ACTS在這些年來如何透過教育改變命運、實現夢想。當天的活動不僅讓您有機會欣賞這部意義深遠的紀錄片,更有機會參與一場彷彿身臨其境的非洲嘉年華式慶典。我們很榮幸能邀請到來自非洲的職訓學校共同創辦人FrancoisJustin親臨現場,分享他們在創校過程中的動人故事。我們誠摯邀請您預留時間,與我們一同見證這個特別的時刻。期待您的蒞臨!

This inspiring documentary, a collaboration between ACTS Africa Career Training School and U-Channel TV, chronicles the transformative journey of education and empowerment across Africa. It showcases how ACTS have changed lives and achieved dreams through the power of education over the past decade. In addition to the screening, you will be immersed in an African-style carnival celebration, providing a vibrant and authentic experience. We are also honored to have Francois and Justin, co-founders of the ACTS, join us in person to share the captivating stories behind the founding of the school. We sincerely hope you will reserve the time to join us for this remarkable occasion. Looking forward to your presence!

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